"Exception while trying to get Virtual Entity metadata for entity" Error on Data Events

When enabling data events in D365 F&O you might get some error which says similar to below:

Exception while trying to get Virtual Entity metadata for entity: #####

I checked the logs and the following is showing depth is "Basic, BusinessUnitId"

Response status code does not indicate success: 403 ({"error":{"code":"0x80040220","message":"SecLib::CheckPrivilege failed. User: #### , PrivilegeName: prvReadEntity, PrivilegeId: #### , Required Depth: Basic, BusinessUnitId: #### , MetadataCache Privileges Count: 5803, User Privileges Count: 82"}}).

This means to resolve this make sure your application user in PowerPlatform admin center has the Basic user role.


  1. Where can I find this log that you referring to?

    1. Hi Johan,

      I got the information by logging onto the Virtual Machine and checking the logs messages, I did this on a cloud hosted machine.




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